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Κρασί με προέλευση.
Ο παραδοσιακός παριανός αμπελώνας χρονολογείται από την εποχή της ακμής του Κυκλαδικού Πολιτισμού, ανάμεσα στο 3200 με 2000 π.Χ.
Οι καλλιέργειες άλλαξαν, οι ποικιλίες όμως έμειναν οι ίδιες
Υπέροχα, αρωματικά κρασιά με οντότητα και βαρύτητα!
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Paros Wine

Older generations have fond memories of wine, which was available "in bulk" in the 70s and 80s, or in barrels in private houses. A ruby colored, deep red wine, whether sweet, sun-dried or dry (brusque), but always with an intense, distinctive, fruity and full-bodied taste!

Many years have passed since then, and although much has changed when it comes to cultivating methods, the varieties remain the same. The new generations of winemakers experimented with modern flavors and produced a more refined taste of consistent quality.

The Parian Vineyard
Vineyards on Paros have centuries old, historical roots. The weather in the region is favorable and grape varieties thrive, so much so that they are referred to today as organic crops.

Most vineyards on the island employ the "aplotarias" technique. The vine spreads along the soil, parallel with the ground and the leaves and seed under it are protected from the wind and strong sunlight. In recent years, however, many winemakers have invested in new upright techniques for the vines, with supports and props. Hence, the vineyards become "puffier", larger and produce bigger seeds, and the harvest is easier!

Wonderful landscapes unfold inland, with well-tended small and large vineyards, not a weed or twig in sight, aligned in rows - sometimes in the lowlands and others perched on the mountains. An orderly and maintained image that characterizes the Cycladic landscape.

The vineyards of Paros are xeric, as dictated by the climate conditions that favor their development: Mild winters with low precipitation and no frost, hot summers with increased humidity at night and cool winds at the same time... All ideal conditions for the dry, sandy and clay-like soil to become fertile for viticulture.

The Varieties
Research has verified that the Monemvasia (Malvasia) variety on Paros was salvaged from the Venetian era. The traditional Parian vineyard dates from the prosperous Cycladic Civilization period between 3200 and 2000 BC.
The varieties cultivated on the island include: Monemvasia, Mantilaria, Aidani (black and white), Vaftra, Karampraimi, Asyrtiki, Savvatiano, Malagouzia, Roditis, Maloukato and Potamisi.

Today, the white Monemvasia and red Mantilaria are produced almost exclusively and with remarkable results. Paros wine was recognized as a Protected Designation of Origin Product (PDO) in 1980. PDO Paros wines are both red and white, mild (no CO2) and dry. These wines are unique in that they were - and continue to be - a blend of white and red varieties, the white from Monemvasia and the red 2/3 from Monemvasia and 1/3 Mandilaria.

An example of the sweet white wine recently designated PDO Paros, is Malavasia Paros (October 2012).

Distilled Products
There is just... one: Souma.
Souma is made from the pulp of pressed grapes (called tsampoura) and is distilled all over the island of Paros. Souma devotees distill the grapes themselves, after carefully removing the stems. The distillation process is, in and of itself, a celebration: The island has many rakidia (cauldrons) around which purists gather each autumn and... sample the souma from the new crops!

The Wine Roads
In 2008, the islands of the Aegean founded the Aegean Wineries (ENOANA). The initiative aims to create and promote quality production and products, and to establish wine tourism on the islands.



The Cooperative is an organized and coordinated effort by all winemakers involved. With the aim to produce the best possible results, they joined forces in a cooperative effort to promote their product and achieve the coveted result: consistently high quality results and an increase in production so that Parian wines will be able to compete and compare with other domestic labels.

The Central Cooperative Union of Winemakers of Paros was founded in 1929 and has been active in the world of wine since 1956, when the first winery opened. It is inextricably linked with the wine growers of the island. A landmark in the history of the Cooperative Union of Paros came in 1981, when Paros was designated Protected Designation of Origin and a modern winery was built.

Central Cooperative Union of Winemakers of Paros


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