international editions

Municipal Library

The Municipality of Paros embarked on the very challenging journey to create the Municipal Library in 1999. The main objective of the effort was for Paros to acquire a cultural institution that would contribute to the cultural growth of the people of the island.

The Municipal Library falls under the purview of D.E.P.A.P., (Municipal Corporation for the Cultural Development of Paros) and the Municipal Committee organized by the Municipal Council is responsible for its operation.
The search for the appropriate space to house the Library went through several stages and the neoclassical building located in the center of the traditional settlement, at Ai Yiannis was eventually selected. Though small, the space is attractive, impressive and pleasant. There is a foyer with lending desk and 4 computer workstations connected to two printers and a scanner, an informational material room with photocopier, a children's/adolescent's room and general collection room. All rooms are well designed and equipped to also function as reading areas. The exterior features a large courtyard, where cultural events are hosted, and a canteen. 
Most of the printed material in the Library (approximately 6,000 of 11,000 total volumes) was donated by organizations and individuals, friends of Paros and the Municipal Library.
A very small proportion of the material comes from the pre-existing collection and the rest was purchased by the Library.
The Municipal Library of Paros is a permanent recipient of material from the EKKE (National Centre for Social Research) and collaborates with the Lambrakis Foundation, The University of the Aegean, the Company of Cycladic Studies, the National Bank Education Foundation and the Ouranis Foundation. It is a member of the Greek Network of Municipal and Community Libraries, the PULLMAN & CALIMERA through the Website Creation programs, and the Society of Information through the creation of an Information Center and the acceptance of technical hardware and software.
The Library has been supervised by a librarian since July 2003. A large component of the material has been fully processed (children/adolescents, Greek and foreign literature, poetry, theater, information technology, philosophy, psychology, religion, social sciences - approximately 6,500 volumes). Book and equipment purchasing programs have also been implemented, cultural events are organized, as are library tours, etc.
In order for the Municipal Library to become a cultural and spiritual influence, it requires multi-faceted acceptance and support of the citizens and institutions of the island. The Association of Friends of the Municipal Library of Paros was founded to support and develop the efforts of the Library. 

Further Information: Mr. Ioannis Gikas, Tel: 22840 -21656

Informationon individual sections of the Library

The Children's/Adolescent's Section comprises approximately 1,500 books, 2 active periodicals and 3 inactive periodicals. Small section of foreign titles: English, French and German.
The bulk of this material was donated by residents and friends of the island, and publishers.
The books in the children/adolescent collection are suitable for children aged 0-16, and include illustrated stories, fairy tales, comics, short stories and novels in Greek, as well as educational books in foreign languages.
This section was the first to be fully processed and is managed electronically.
The room also features board games that are enjoyed by both the young and old.
The space was recently renovated and equipped.

The General Collection comprises approximately 9,000 book titles, which are continuously enriched and updated. These titles are related to all areas of knowledge, biographies and literature.


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