international editions

Travel Advice

Make sure that you book a room in time.It would be better for you not to wait to find a room when arriving at the port or the airport.There are many ways to find accommodation, such as the following:

  • tourist guides;
  • advertisements in newspapers and magazines;
  • lists and brochures of the official associations of tourist accommodations;
  • tourist exhibitions;
  • online;
  • offices of the Hellenic Tourism Organisation;
  • tourist agencies, etc.

First of all, make sure that the accommodation is legal (ask whether it has been granted the special certificate by the Hellenic Tourism Organisation), is located at the area you have chosen, meets the specifications and provides the services you want.

Cancelling reservation

The law stipulates:
“Any person making a reservation for rooms for a specified period and not using them for the entire or a part of that period must compensate the hotel by paying half of the price agreed for the period during which the rooms were not used.However, if the client notifies the hotel manager at least 21 days in advance, he shall be released from the obligation to compensate the hotel manager and the hotel manager must promptly refund any advance payment collected. The client must (a) accept the room reserved by him or, upon his order, by a third person, unless it is not consistent with his order;(b) stay at the room until the end of the period agreed; otherwise he shall be obliged to pay to the hotel manager compensation equal to half of the rent for all remaining days, according to the price agreed. Those stipulated above shall also apply in case that the client does not arrive at the hotel on the date agreed."

Arrival and departure time

You may enter a room after midday, at the earliest, and you must leave a room by midday, at the latest.If you stay longer, you will be charged with lease charges for half or one more day.To be exact, the law provides for the following:
“The arrival day shall be taken into account as a full day, with regard to the lease charges, irrespectively of the arrival time.The departure day shall not be taken into account, but the client must leave the room by 12:00 o’clock at noon.If the client stays longer, until 18:00 p.m., he must pay half of the daily lease charge.If he stays at the room later than 18:00 p.m., he must pay the entire daily lease charge.If the client refuses to pay, the hotel manager shall be entitled to reject from the room his luggage.


The law stipulates:
“The hotel manager must provide to the clients the rooms agreed upon following a written order sent by telegram or under a contract – agreement.Otherwise, he must take care of their accommodation in another hotel of at least the same class, in the same town, having, in any case, the same facilities and conditions, as those advertised for his hotel.In that case, the hotel manager must pay transportation costs and any potential difference in the price charged between his hotel and the other hotel.If he cannot discharge the above obligations, the hotel manager must compensate the client by paying the total accommodation price for the total period agreed.”

Security issues

Pursuant to the law:
“Clients, when arriving at the hotel, must deliver to the hotel manager any valuable items, as well as money, carrying with them, against a relevant receipt.Otherwise, the hotel manager shall not be responsible for any loss thereof.For any other items brought in the hotel by the client, the hotel manager shall not be held liable for any loss or damage thereof, if this is due to negligence of the client or the persons escorting, visiting and employed by the client.Moreover, the hotel manager shall be released from liability if the damage, destruction or loss is due to force majeure (earthquake, fire, etc.).”


In the room, you may not prepare or eat foot, use blow-torches, electrical devices (other than shaver), wash clothes, move furniture, stick nails on the walls, keep animals, turn up the music volume or organise gatherings causing nuisance to other clients and you may not remove from the room towels or sheets, unless otherwise agreed when making the reservation.

  • Hotel clients shall be responsible for any damage or wear to the hotel caused by the clients or their visitors or any other person for whom the clients are responsible.
  • Upon arrival, clients must provide their personal details and, of course, be polite towards the staff.
  • If a client is considered to be undesirable, the hotel manager shall be entitled to demand that he leaves the accommodation within 24 hours.


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