international editions

Η Πάρος έχει περιοχές Natura.
Αναλυτικοί οδηγοί μπορούν να σας κατατοπίσουν για μονοπάτια και περιοχές απείρου κάλλους!
Συνολικά, 10 υγρότοποι φιλοξενούν περίπου 200 είδη πουλιών
Σταχτοτσικνιάδες, ερωδιοί, πελαργοί, κορμοράνοι, γερακίνες, αηδόνια, σπουργίτια, χελιδόνια, πέρδικες, δεκαοχτούρες, κουκουβάγιες, γκιώνηδες, μελισσοφάγοι, καρδερίνες , σουσουράδες...
και βέβαια θαλασσοπούλια... ασημόγλαροι και ο αιγαιόγλαροι.


There are ten wetland areas on the island, hosting approximately 200 bird species such as herons, egrets, storks and cormorants. Birds of the sea abound, including herring gulls, Audouin's gulls and their predators, led by the buzzards. Depending on the season, visitors will encounter nightingales, sparrows, swallows and martins. Partridges are also found the island, as are doves, owls, scops owls, bee-eaters, goldfinches and white wagtails.

Migratory birds also visit the island, including woodcocks, wood pigeons, turtle doves and several water birds. The main bird species found on Paros are: Eurasian collared dove, scops owl, owl, bee-eater, sparrow, hooded crow, greenfinch, goldfinch, buzzard, long-legged buzzard, Audouin's Gull, herring gull, wild pigeon, white wagtail.
Hiking tours, nature walks and cycling tours are organized for foreign visitors to Aliki, the main wetland of the island. Other Natura 2000 designated sites include the Kolybithres swamp and the Santa Maria lagoon, which is located 2 kilometers east of Naoussa and covers an area of 20,000 square meters.

Hares and wild rabbits thrive in the shrubs and the forests of Paros.


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