international editions

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Μικρές εκπλήξεις σας περιμένουν
Περιηγηθείτε στα βουνά της Πάρου και εκπλαγείτε ευχάριστα!
Ανεμόμυλοι... Μνημεία!
Στέκουν όρθιοι στους δυνατούς ανέμους
με θύμησες πολλές.
Σκαρφαλωμένες Βουκαμβίλιες
Λουλούδια, απείρου κάλλους
Δείχνουν πανέμορφα πάνω στο λευκό και το γαλάζιο
Πάρτε τα βουνά!
Πολλές, χαρτογραφημένες διαδρομές
σας περιμένουν να τις ανακαλύψετε!
Ξωκκλήσια παντού
Η ελληνική γη είναι σπαρμένη από εξωκκλήσια
το καθένα έχει τη δική του ιστορία...
Μαράθι. Σπήλαιο των Νυμφών
Εδώ, κάθε πέτρα έχει ιστορία.
Απ' αυτά τα λατομεία προερχόταν το περίφημο παριανό μάρμαρο.


Lefkes-Lagada-Aspro Chorio-Drios

The most demanding and least known hiking trail of the four we propose. If your car can handle a fairly difficult dirt road, you can drive a few kilometers outside Lefkes on the short cut to Lagada. Leave the car at the blue sign pointing towards Lagada, uphill towards Agious Pantes.
Hike along the rocky path with low vegetation and a few crops for approximately 3 kilometers. The last 500 meters lead downhill towards Lagada, which is a small village with a few scattered houses that seems to be stuck in the 60s. Walk down into the ravine that acts as the path for the next section of the hike. The landscape is wild but idyllic, lined with green grass in the winter, like a fluffy carpet on the ground that does much to soften the Aegean terrain. Observant hikers will notice old man-made animal enclosures, hollowed out under the rocks, in perfect harmony with the natural setting.
The last 200 meters are uphill towards Aspro Chorio. The last section of the hike towards Drios starts there. Walk 200 meters downhill to the left along a path through the ravine that leads to the asphalt road. But you won't walk on asphalt. A few meters before you reach the asphalt, turn left onto a wider dirt road to the north and carry on for 200 meters through the houses and turn right at the small intersection. At the next intersection in front of two summer houses, turn left and after 400 meters right towards Drios.

Distance: 10 km., 3 hours

Lefkes - Pigados - Ancient Quarry - Loggovardas Monastery - Taxiarchi Monastery.

Setting off from Lefkes, the first section of the hike is uphill as far as the well at Pigados (Greek for well). There are traditional houses along the route. After Pigados, the dirt road leads downhill towards the Vounia region, with vineyards and wheat crops. The trail passes near the Monastery of Agios Minas and the Ancient Quarries, continues across the Marathi plateau and climbs up to a small forest with indigenous vegetation (shrubs) and leads to Loggovardas Monastery, which is still inhabited by monks and only men are permitted to enter. The monastery houses beautiful Orthodox frescoes, valuable icons and rare books. The path continues on to Taxiarchi Monastery.

Distance: 8km., 4 hours

Lefkes - Agia Kyriaki - Agrilies - Avkoulaki - Agios Georgios Lagadas

Hike southwest from the windmills at Lefkes for 2.5 kilometers to the monastery of Agia Kyriaki. You are already on the path to Avkoulaki. Head uphill to the trail that leads to Lagadas. After 3 kilometers, take the fork on the left. The terrain becomes rougher, heads uphill for 300 meters and then leads down to Agios Georgios.
Take a break at the monastery (1.5 kilometers) and enjoy the fresh, cool air at the well at Avkoulaki.

Distance: 6.3 km., 1 hour 20 minutes


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